How to install the Rae San Hall Effect Ignition Kit – Honda CX500, GL500, CX650, GL650 – Engine Internal, Part 03

This is part three of the Rae San Hall Effect Ignition Kit engine-internal install procedure – See here for the previous step or check out the overview of the process. By this stage you’re looking at a rotor installed:

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Grab the pickups:

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Before you install them check that the resin has been cast evenly on both sides – ours was off by enough that the supplied bolts did not fit:

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Bolt fitment:

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

If this is the case you will have to ensure that the pickup piece sits flat and evenly in the engine and that it has the same air gap all around the rotor. If that’s the case you can then use longer bolts or try to trim down the resin a little so that the existing bolt fits… if you do the latter make sure you don’t damage the unit. Ray tells me that he’s trying to supply longer bolts to mitigate this issue.

Assuming all is (or is now) well with the pickups, install them like so:

Here's how to install the internal engine components of the Honda CX500 Rae San Hall Effect ignition kit.

Rotating the pickups changes the timing, so we need to set the timing correctly for this to all work. Check that out in part four…

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