Triple or Quadruple Bypass – Honda CX500, CX650, GL500, GL650

One of the most well-known set of procedures for the Honda CX and GL V-twin family of bikes, the triple or quadruple bypass addresses several major common points of failure at once. Check out the details below.


What is the triple/quadruple bypass?

There are three common failure points on the 500cc engines, two of which require removing the engine to fix and one of which is able to be done without removing the engine. The three points are the cam chain and tensioner/guide blades, the stator and the camshaft mechanical seal. The 650 engines are harder on the starter clutch springs, and make up the fourth item as a quadruple bypass for the 650 motors. The 500s don’t seem to have as much trouble with the starter clutch springs.

This service procedure is commonly done as a whole or in part when one of the above items fail. It’s a good idea to assess things the starter clutch springs on a 500 in case they may need replacing while you have the flywheel off anyhow. In addition, the stator may not necessarily require replacing out of hand if it otherwise works – particularly on the TI models. We’ll do a piece on stator colouring and trying to assess whether it needs replacement soon.

Click here for a parts list of what you will need.


What parts will you need?


The cost of the triple or quadruple bypass depends a lot on where you are in the world. We have a page showing which parts you will need, with links to suppliers in a variety of countries – Click here for a parts list of what you will need.

Preparation and Engine Removal


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