Wondering how to disassemble the final shaft of your Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650? Here’s a guide.

You need a hydraulic press (eBay US, eBay AU, eBay UK and Amazon) and the Honda crank cap driver tool – part number 07945-4150100 (see our page on that tool). Make sure to take the appropriate precautions when using a hydraulic press! The final shaft unit is held together with two collets at the top – called spring washers in Honda’s parts manuals, part number 23733-371-000:

…and the Honda special tool fits around those, allowing you to press the stopper damper (23731-371-000) down and remove them.

Pressed down:

It’s easy to get the collets out with something magnetic:

Pins gone:

Out of the press:

The stopper damper removed:

Now you can completely disassemble (and assess if that’s what you’re doing) the rest of the unit. The parts vary slightly between some models, and we will have more info on that up in the next related article.