How to remove the aqua choke – Weber 32/36 DGAV, DFAV

Here’s how to remove the water or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor. There were multiple variants used over the years so there may be some differences between what you see here and what you have in front of you.

The main bolt on the inlet/outlet cover was hopelessly rounded off on our example and sheared when we put vise grips on it, so we can’t show you removing that – here’s how to remove it if that happens to you.

First up, there’s three bolts around the outside – one of which is obscured by the water piping (and you’ll note that the other side of the water piping has corroded away into nothingness):

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

View of the obscured bolt:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Remove with a screwdriver – though you may find it easier to use a ring or open ended spanner on the obscured bolt:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

These bolts were pretty well stuck in place:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

The bolts appear to be part number 64615.005 or 427.64615.005.0 – anyone confirm?

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

The back of this piece has the metallic element which moves when heated, opening or closing the choke:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Back to the carb side of things, you should have a plastic gasket (part number 41640.005 or possibly 427.41640.005.7, link) and an actuating arm:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Another three bolts:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

These are a whole lot longer than the last:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

If you haven’t already done so, disconnect the linkage on the other side of the piece you can now remove:

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

The water choke actuator and diaphragm are now fully removed!

Here's how to remove the water choke or aqua choke on a Weber 32/36 carburetor.

That’s it for these steps – now go back to the main 32/36 page for the next.

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