There are two idle jets on the Weber 32/36 carburetors – a primary and secondary, one on each side. Here’s how to remove them for cleaning as part of a rebuild process. Their locations are circled below, and they undo with a flathead screwdriver – make sure it fits well:

Each one is likely to be a different size so take note of which one came from where.

You will note that the O-ring sits just beneath the head of the screw, probably hardened and flattened if the carbs haven’t been rebuilt for a while. The O-rings are part number 41565.002. You can see the size of the jet stamped into the side:

You will probably notice that the aperture in the end is a different size as well:

Now, these may look like single units but they are actually made up of a jet holder – the bit that recives the screwdriver – part number 52570.006 (eBay US, eBay AU) for both sides, and the idle jets themselves:

That’s those out of the way – now head back to the main 32/36 cleaning page for the next step.