This is a tutorial on how to change the engine oil and filter on a Hyosung 250cc engine – specifically done on a Hyosung GT250R, but the engine is basically the same for the other similar models in the lineup. This is the first part where you see how the oil and filter are removed.
Before you begin, make sure that you have fresh engine oil to put back into the motor, something to put your old engine oil into and some rags to clean up any mess. All up you’ll need:
- 17mm socket or spanner
- Torque wrench
- 10mm socket or wrench (oil filter)
- 8mm socket or wrench (oil screen)
- New oil (10w40)
- New oil filter (click here for options)
- Oil catch pan
- 13.5 x 1.5mm O-ring (optional)
- 25.7 x 3.5mm O-ring (optional)
Also be aware that making a mistake here could destroy your motorcycle’s engine, or cause you to lose control of the motorcycle whilst riding it (e.g. engine seizure or oil on rear wheel). If in doubt, get a professional to do it.
This guide assumes you have already removed the left fairing. Underneath the engine you can see the sump plug in the center of the 3-bolt cover for the oil screen:

The other area we will be working on is on the right hand side of the engine, where we have the filler cap and oil filter:

The filler cap, conveniently, has the preferred oil weight marked on it:

Back around to the underside, you need a 17mm socket or spanner to remove the sump plug:

If you’ve been running the engine prior to doing the oil change (warming it up and waiting 3-5 minutes is the preferred method) be very careful not to swing your arm straight into the hot exhaust pipe. You should be able to fit your wrench underneath the frame on the left hand side to ensure that this doesn’t happen:

Crack the bolt open, then put your drain pan underneath and undo the sump plug all the way, being careful not to burn yourself with hot oil or drop the plug into the drain pan:

You can undo the filler cap to make the oil drain more quickly:

The oil should take a few minutes to fully drain; leave it and undo the oil filter cover:

The sump plug has a magnet in the end:

Clean it up before you put the plug back in:

Now, you probably aren’t going to be able to put a rag over the hot exhaust pipe if the engine has been running very recently so wait a little while for it to cool – you should hold a rag or something similar underneath the cover as it is being undone, as oil is going to run out.

Three bolts with 10mm heads hold the cover in:

A 150mm socket extension makes it easier on the GT250R to get past the fairing:

An unsuccessful catch resulted in oil down the fairing and onto the floor:

The three M6 nuts removed, part number 08313-11068:

The cover should lift away easily at this point to reveal the end of the oil filter. The cover’s part number is 16512HG510003S, for anyone who is curious (not likely..?). It should come free easily, pouring oil all over the place as you go – as above hold a rag under it or something similar:

Now move on to part two, or check out the new oil filter list.