Looking for the dimensions and available replacement sources for your Honda CX500, CX650CD Custom or GL500 Wing (not the Silverwing) driveshaft swingarm boot? Here’s some info. If you’re not interested in the measurements and just want to know where to find a replacement boot, the best place to acquire one currently is eBay US, eBay AU, eBay UK or eBay CA. If anyone knows of any reproduction sources or a compatible boot from another make/model of vehicle please let me know.
It’s part number 40207-415-000.

The boot is different to the one you’ll find on the triple-backbone Pro-Link rear suspension CX and GL bikes – the CX500E Sports, GL500 Silverwing, CX650E, GL650, GL700 and Turbos all utilise the Pro-Link boot and not this one. The above-pictured boot is the more commonly found one as there were plenty more single-spine CX500s and GL500 Wings made. The CX650 Custom is the only one of the larger-capacity 1983-year bikes to utilise this driveshaft boot.


Or, with vernier calipers:



With a vernier caliper:

Inside measurement of the height:

ID of the narrow end:

Weight, just for kicks:

That may all help someone identify whether they have a GL500 or CX500 swingarm boot in their stash! Again, if you’re looking for one hit up eBay US, eBay AU, eBay UK or eBay CA.