This requires the engine to be removed and the pulser cover at the back of the engine removed. Why would you want to do this? Perhaps yours are out of spec and your bike isn’t running properly, or perhaps you have replaced your CDI with an Ignitech and simply no longer need them.
Behind the pulser cover we have the advance pulsers:

The bolts holding it in can be well and truly stuck sometimes; an impact driver can make this an easy, strip-free job. Hopefully. Top left and lower right bolts hold the advance pulsers in place.

Screw removed:

Both screws are the same:

With those two screws removed it should be loose:

Lift it out:

The front side (the side which faces into the motor, or frontwards when the engine is in the bike) looks like this:

The insulation is cracked on this particular one:

All done.