Camshaft part numbers for the Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 and GL650

The below is partially for curiosity, as CX500 and GL500 camshafts are interchangeable. The MA1 camshafts provide slightly better performance and are listed as a part which supersedes the original 415 unit. To see the numbers at 0mm and 1mm lift for the various camshafts, see here.

Part No.
CX500, CDI models 14100-415-000
CX500, TI models 14100-MA1-000
CX400EC Sports 14100-MA1-000
CX500EC Sports 14100-MA1-000
GL500 14100-MA1-000
CX650/GL650 14100-ME2-000
CX500TC Turbo 14100-MC7-000
CX650 Turbo 14100-ME7-000

Examples of TI CX500s include the ’82 Custom in the USA and the ’82 Shadow in Australia. The camshaft is one of a number of changes made when TI was introduced into the CX range – others include a different clutch basket and oil pump.

While it does fit, there’s no point to using a 500 camshaft in a 650 or vice-versa – here’s a pic of them side by side. A 500 cam in a 650 motor risks the valves colliding with the piston, and a 650 camshaft has a more relaxed profile so it would actually decrease performance in a 500 motor.

2 thoughts on “Camshaft part numbers for the Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 and GL650”

  1. Hello CX500 friends: who can tell me where have to produce or strock cx500 or gl500 a new and unused camshaft (part No.:14100-MA1-000).

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