How to remove the pulse generator and advance timing unit on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650

Here’s how to remove the pulse generator and ATU – advance timing unit – on your TI motor. The pulse generator:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

It is held in by two 6×12 screws with washers – part number 93891-0601200:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

These screws sit in a slot that allows for rotation of the assembly, which alters the timing. It is often suggested to scribe a mark across the pulse generator plate and the rear engine casing to ensure that you can re-align the advance pulsers at the same point they were at when you removed them:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

…but if you do this, use it as a starting point for checking the timing via the static timing procedure – don’t rely on the previous owner having set the timing correctly! The screws removed:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

You can now remove the pulse generator plate:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

The pulse generator is part number 30300-MA1-154 (eBay) for the GL500, 30300-MG0-154 (eBay) for the GL650 and CX650C, 30300-MG0-000 for the CX650E.

The advance timing unit behind it has a single part number for both pieces – for the GL500 it’s 30220-MA1-730 (eBay) or 30220-MA1-731 (eBay) and for the GL650, CX650E and CX650C it’s 30220-ME2-000 (eBay). Now, to remove the ATU – advance timing unit – rotor and assembly, we need a 10mm socket:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

Note – the pulse generator is back in place in the above photo for unrelated reasons. Bolt and washer removed:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

The bolt is a 6x60mm piece and is part number 95701-0606000 and the washer is part number 90417-115-000. The washer is very important – don’t lose it! Now, from here you can remove the timing advance unit as a whole without removing the rotor. There are two ways that the rotor can be installed into the other piece – one is correct, and one will result in an engine that won’t run… so if you don’t have to remove it, don’t.

Once it is removed you will be able to see the flywheel bolt:

Here are some photos showing the removal process for the pulse generator plate and ATU - advance timing unit (rotor) - on a TI Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 as featured on

Now your pulse generator and advance timing unit have been removed! If you’re doing this as part of the triple or quadruple bypass, click here to go back to the bypass page.

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