How to remove the automatic cam chain tensioner blade and guide – Honda CX500, GL650, CX650

First remove your cam chain tensioner body. Once that’s done you should be looking at this:

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

The tensioner blade (14511-MC7-000) – on the right hand side here – will just slide out toward you:

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

The cam guide (14620-MC7-000) is held in by two bolts (90011-415-000, superseded by 90003-KN7-671). Note: On the back of these there’s a metal collar that sits partially inside the guide, and they’re part number 14515-428-000. Don’t lose them. Grab a 10mm socket:

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

Bolts removed:

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

The guide will pull out now:

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

Here's how to remove the cam chain tensioner blade and guide on a Honda CX500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle equipped with an automatic cam chain tensioner system.

All done! Now you can work on removing the cam chain (article coming), or go back to the triple or quadruple bypass, click here to go back to the bypass page.

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