Servian Machine Tools was an Australian business who at both manufactured and imported tools for sale in Australia. Here’s what I can find on their company history and products sold.
The earliest thing I can find for Servian Machine Tools (Aust) is dated 7th April 1943 in The Sydney Morning Herald, and is an ad for Heavy Duty Drill Machines in 3/8 and 3/4″, along with 12 and 18″ rotary tables. The address is given as 277 Clarence St. Sydney.
Dun’s Gazette for New South Wales – Volume 69, No. 16, dated April 16th 1943 lists Servian Machine Tools (Sydney) as commencing on the 1/4/43. Proprietor Mark A. Kibel. Reg. (registered?) 7/4/43. 277 Clarence St., Sydney. What was the relationship between Servian Machine Tools (Sydney) and Servian Machine Tools (Aust)? Are they used interchangeably?
The Argus in Melbourne has an ad for a long list of products provided by Servian Machine Tools (Aust), located at 343A Sydney Rd., Brunswick and also at 45 Queen Street, Melbourne. Servian in this ad as branding themselves as Manufacturers of Precision Machine Tools.
The Bulletin, July 31st, 1946 has an ad for the Mars plain miller, manufactured by Mars Machine Tool Mfg. Co. Pty. Ltd. in Bridge Street, Valley, Brisbane – distributors in Vic listed as Servian Machine Tools (Aust), 343A Sydney Rd. Brunswick. The agents for NSW were Thomas Herbert & Co. Pty. Ltd, 139 Clarence St. Sydney. So they clearly weren’t just selling their own stuff, but whether or not they did any product re-badging at this point is unknown.
Friday 5th March 1948 – Servian Machine Tools (Aust.) and Servian Machine Tools (Syd.) registered. Reported in The Herald (Melbourne, Vic). Interestingly, another company registered on the same day was titled Wee Folks Australian Productions and Wee Folks Manufacturing Co. – is this a sign that they grew to the point that they needed to register as something other than what they were, or..?
Their logo – in later years at least – was this:

Wasting no time, there’s an ad in The Sydney Morning Herald on Sat 3rd April 1948 showing that Servian were selling Drilling machines, motorised, 1/2 and 3/4 inch, Bench and Pedestal jointers, 6-inch motorised pedestal and bench grinders, 7-inch and 8-inch shapers, 10 1/2-inch pedestal, motorised, 3 1/2-inch bench lathes, SSS, Power Press, 8-ton Pedestal, motorised – for immediate delivery. 277 Clarence St.
Nov 1949 saw a couple of court cases heard – Francis Seymore Stevens v. Wee Folks Australian Productions Pty. Limited, and Francis Seymor Stevens v. Servian Machine Tools (Sydney) Pty. Limited. Wonder what that was about. Is that this Frank Stevens?
The Commonwealth of Australia Gazette reported on 11th Sept 1952 that Servian Machine Tools supplied the government with a Grank (sp?) dial feed press for £2,531 19s 9d.
1953 and 1954 saw a long-running ad on the front page (upper left corner) of the Melbourne Age for Servian Machine Tools at 9 Albert Street, West Brunswick. The Argus advertised a couple of years later for a “Junior Girl – required for interesting position at Servian Machine Tools (Aust). Pty. Limited” at that same address.
1956 saw another ad in the Argus for first-class turners, required to work in a modern machine tools factory with very good pay and working conditions. Overtime available daily – at the Albert St. premises.
Given that ad, it would seem that Servian was manufacturing at least some of their product range domestically through the mid-50s.
1965 saw an advertisment in that year’s machine tool exhibition where they list a few more premises;
- N.S.W.: 247 Devonshire St., Surry Hills. 69-7410
- VIC. (Head Office): 284 Albert St., Brunswick. 38-2111
- Offices and Agents:
- VIC. (Head Office): Servian Machine Tools (Australia) Pty. Ltd., 284 Albert St., Brunswick. 38-2111.
- N.S.W.: Servian Machine Tools (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., 247 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, Sydney. 69-7410
- QLD: Servian Machine Tools (Qld.) Pty. Ltd., c/ V. A. & J. Lucas. 36 Twelfth Ave., St. Lucia, Brisbane. 70-1283.
- S.A.: C/ – Hydrac Ltd., II Coongie Ave., Ackland Gardens. Adelaide. 76-4513.
- N.Z.: C/- Plant & Machinery Pty. Ltd., Penrose, Auckland, N.Z.
Some of the tools shown at that exhibition:
Saalfeld Drilling Machine – Model BS 25B. Number 3 M.T., 1 1/4in. capacity. Featuring precision built, automatic drill ejector, available with round or square tables, box type columns or as gang drillers. Standard machine has 12in. throat depth, 5 3/4in. stroke, 8 spindle speeds, 180-2000 r.p.m. or 90-1000 r.p.m., and 4 power feeds.
Servian Radial Drilling Machine Model A35. Number 4 M.T. 1 3/4 inch capacity. Featuring hardened and ground gears running on ball bearings. 12 spindle speeds 50-1650 r.p.m., safety clutch on feed mechanism, 3 feed rates, maximum drilling radius 42inches, and a 2 1/2 h.p. spindle motor.
Mikromat Hydraulic Surface Grinder Model SFW 200 x 600. Table size 24in. x 8in, max grinding capacity 24″ x 8″. Featuring precision cross feed, infinilely variable table speeds 6.5-55 feet per minute. 8in. diameler grinding wheel, 19.7inches between spindle and table. full range of accessories such as wet grinding, dust extraction equipment available ex-stock. Dresden-made. £1,695. Full hydraulic table traverses. Adjustable spindle bearings. Rigid construction ensuring lasting accuracy. Built in micrometer dresser. Cross-feed graduations 0.0002″.
Mikromat Hydraulic Surface Grinder Model SFW 250 x 1500. Table size 60inches x 10inches, max grinding capacity 60″ x 10″ x 15 3/4″. Featuring precision cross feed, infinitely variable table speeds 8.25-82.5 feet per minute. 12-inch diameter grinding wheel, 21.6inches between spindle and table, full range of accessories such as wet grinding, dust extraction equipment. Available ex-stock. Dresden-made. Full hydraulic table traverses. Adjustable spindle bearings. Rigid construction ensuring lasting accuracy. Built in micrometer dresser. Cross-feed graduations 0.0002″.
Servian Brunswick S.S. & S.C. Centre Lathe, Model 5B. Swing over bed 11 1/2 inches, admits 32in. between centres. Featuring 8 spindle speeds 59-1220 r.p.m., supplied fully equipped with cast cabinet base, containing suds equipment, main gear box, thermal overload reversing switchgear, face plate, driving plate, centres, 4-jaw independent chuck, 3-jaw self-centering chuck, travelling steady, fixed steady, taper-turning attachment. Price £835. Hydraulic copying attachment available. The hydraulic copying attachment offered on the centre lathes is the “Mimik” manufactured by Retor Developments Ltd., of Canada.
Servian Brunswick S.S. & S.C. Gap Bed Centre Lathe Model 9B. Swing over bed 18inch, admits 36 inches or 60-inches between centres. Featuring 8 spindle speeds, 27-650rpm or 40-975rpm, 32 feed rates, and full equipment including hydraulic copying attachment available.
Servian Brunswick S.S. & S.C. Gap Bed Centre Lathe, model 10B. Swing over bed 20inches, admits 72inches between centres. Featuring 12 spindle speeds 12-512rpm or 18-770rpm, 32 feed rates and full equipment including hydraulic copying attachment available.
Heckert Universal Milling Machine MOdel FU 400. Table size 63inches by 16 inches. Featuring 18 spindle speeds from 28-1400rpm, push button control or automatic control by adjustable table dogs in one or several co-ordinates – longitudinal, vertical or trnasverse or a combination to option, rapid traverses in all directions and a 12hp spindle motor.
Servian also offered a range of WMW German-made machine tools – e.g.:
- Bowes Radial Drilling Machine, 2 1/2 in. capacity, 55 in. arm, infinitely variable speeds.
- Saalfeld Drilling Machines, single and multiple spindle types, 3/4 in. to 3 in. capacities.
- Fritz ???ckert Universal and Vertical Milling Machines with automatic cycling.
- Program controlled and special purpose production machines of all types from many sources.
- Niles Heavy Duty Engine Lathes, 9 in. to 20 in. centre heights.
- Zerbst Facing and Centre Lathes. Capacities up to 21 ft. swing.
Looks like much of that range shown there is imported – does anyone know if they were still making their own products in Australia by the mid-60s?
The Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 11th Dec 1969 showed that Servian Machine Tools (Aust) Pty. Ltd. of Brunswick, Vic provided lathes to the tune of $4,400. (reference 02-239/12/56)
ASIC records show that a business of ACN 004 259 938 by the names of Servian Machine Tools (Australia) Pty. Limited and Servian Machine Tools (Australia) Limited was de-registered on the 15th March 1976.
ASIC records show that the business name Servian Machine Tools (Australia) was deregistered on the 24th March 1983.
I have a Servian drill press here – no idea on date of manufacture – but it has this on the side:

A chap called Bruce allowed use of these photos of a 14-speed Servian Machine Tools drill press, model SA/N4 – it’s undated, though I believe the BP reference on the plate would make it post-1952 and the MT3 probably indicates it was 1960s or later, based on the lack of drills I have seen with MT3 earlier than that date. I’m open to correction there.
The drill was a low RPM model, likely sold to workshops using large bits in steel. The speed options ranged from 113rpm to 1275rpm. Bruce believes this particular drill was used in the Toowoomba foundry for some time before they updated their equipment in the late 70s or early 80s.
That’s all I can find on the company for now – anyone know what they sold after other than the above, or have any brochures/catalogues featuring their equipment? When did they close? Hit me up on the contact page if you have any info.