Today we’re looking at the genuine Honda tool for holding the crankshaft in place via the primary drive gear – part 07924-4150000:

Less well known is it’s usefulness as a cam sprocket holder. It’s quite simple – a metal plate with some holes in it which line up with the bolt holes for the front engine cover, and a welded-on extra piece that fits into the primary drive gear:

It fits onto the front of the engine like so:

Using the bolts for the front cover:

You can see that it fits neatly into the primary drive gear (at the back here):

So why would you want one of these? Most commonly when you’re loosening or tightening the bolts at the other end of the crankshaft (e.g. the stator bolt, or a puller) you don’t want the crankshaft rotating away from you, and this tool stops that from happening. Beats trying to use a breaker bar on the front end of the crankshaft and having that bolt undo itself while you’re working on the rear end (only an issue for one direction, as you’d expect), or damaging the gears by wedging washers/rags/etc. inbetween the primary drive gear and the clutch basket.
You can find them on eBay – click here to see if any are available.