How to check the brake disc thickness – Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V

Checking the thickness of your brake disc or rotor? It’s a good idea to keep an eye on how they are wearing, particularly if you are using an aggressive brake pad type that causes more rotor wear than the OEM pads. Once the rotors have worn down past a certain point they need to be replaced. Here’s how to check your disc thickness!

Here's how to check the brake disc or rotor thickness on a Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V motorcycle using digital vernier calipers or a micrometer as shown on These rotors have a ridge at the edge - making it a little harder to check!

If you look at the side of the disc you can see the minimum thickness stamped into it – for the rear rotor used in this example it’s 3mm:

Here's how to check the brake disc or rotor thickness on a Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V motorcycle using digital vernier calipers or a micrometer as shown on These rotors have a ridge at the edge - making it a little harder to check!

Using a set of digital vernier calipers (eBay US, eBay UK, eBay AU) we can get a reading of the thickness of the rotor:

Here's how to check the brake disc or rotor thickness on a Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V motorcycle using digital vernier calipers or a micrometer as shown on These rotors have a ridge at the edge - making it a little harder to check!

4.43mm! Great! There’s a catch this time around, though – while it’s not obvious in the photos the brake pads have worn the center part of the rotor down much more than the outside, and the verniers only measure the outer thickness and not the shallower mid-section. For that you need something else – here we are using a micrometer (eBay US, eBay UK, eBay AU):

Here's how to check the brake disc or rotor thickness on a Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V motorcycle using digital vernier calipers or a micrometer as shown on These rotors have a ridge at the edge - making it a little harder to check!

In this case we can see that it’s ~1mm thinner than the vernier calipers measured it at – though still over 3mm, fortunately.

Here's how to check the brake disc or rotor thickness on a Hyosung GT250, GT250R, GT250V motorcycle using digital vernier calipers or a micrometer as shown on These rotors have a ridge at the edge - making it a little harder to check!

Are yours below spec or otherwise damaged? Grab a new one online (eBay US, eBay UK, eBay AU).

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