How to reinstall the jets, screws and emulsion tubes – Honda CX500, GL500, CX650, GL650

Grab your pilot screw and spring:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Slide the spring onto the screw. Next comes the washer:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Slide that on after the spring. Next comes the O-ring:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Slide that on too:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Now, you could try to install the screw/spring/washer/O-ring from the top and risk having the lot fall off and vanish somewhere under your work bench…

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

…or you could make life easier on yourself and turn the carb body upside down while you install the screw so that gravity helps hold on the spring/washer/O-ring:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Gently screw it in and then back it out 2.5 turns. This is a good starting point for adjusting the bike’s mixture.

Now install the needle jet beneath the larger emulsion tube:

(pic coming)

Then the larger emulsion tube – it won’t seat all the way usually and don’t force it as it’s soft brass and very easily stripped:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Then the thinner emulsion tube:

(pic coming)

Then the two jets should be installed. Big goes in the brass – so for example if you were using 78 and 112 jets you would put the 112 in the brass emulsion tube and the 78 in the carb body above the smaller emulsion tube:

Here's how to install the jets and pilot screw on the Keihin carburetors from a Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650 motorcycle.

Repeat the process for the other carb body and you are now ready to install the floats.

Now head back to the main carb cleaning page for the next step in the reinstallation process.

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