Taken off your rear wheel? The reinstallation process is quite similar, with an extra step added. Click through to read about the difference!
Firstly, make sure you reinstall the brake shoes before you start.

Now, loosen the nuts holding the final drive unit in place.
*pic coming*
Next, carefully place the wheel in approximately the right position:

The drive splines should be close to mating:

Lift the wheel and wiggle the center part onto the rear hub splines, being careful not to apply too much abrupt sideways pressure in case you knock the bike over. In the below picture the wheel is top left, the drive hub is bottom right and they’re very close to matching:

Once you have the rear wheel at least partially onto the hub, you should be able to slide the axle through from the left side – remembering the collar, which is missing in the below image:

…and was remembered and inserted here:

Now you will probably have to lift and jiggle the wheel until you can push the axle all the way through – during this part you should see the wheel fully mate to the final drive:

…and the rear axle should be flush with – or very close to flush with – the swingarm on the left:


Screw on the castle nut on the other side, but don’t torque it up fully yet:

If you had a little extra axle sticking out the left side tightening the castle nut a little should result in it becoming flush. Still on the left side, insert the pinch bolt:

…and torque to 15-22 ft/lb – we aim for 18ft/lb.
Now we turn our attention back to the castle nut:

…and torque it to between 40 and 47 ft/lb. We usually aim for 42 ft/lb, which gives us a bit of leeway to torque it a touch tighter to align the gaps in the castle nut with the holes in the axle. Now that this has been torqued, we can turn our attention to the nuts holding the final drive onto the swingarm: