The Honda CX650ED has front forks that are different lengths from side to side:
The left, shorter leg is part number 51510-MG0-003 and it has two bushings at the bottom, 51415-MC5-003. Looking at the Honda product codes the bushings were first used on the Honda CX500E Sports from the previous year which had a very similar suspension setup, though the fork tubes have changed somehow between the 500E and 650E. How? No idea!
The right leg – 51410-MG0-003 – has a single bushing which is part number 51415-461-003 – used on a fair few other models – and it can be found new here.
I can’t find the actual length differences currently – notes are missing beyond a cryptic “26+562mm – +11mm” – if anyone has them feel free to send them in, otherwise I will add them as I find the proper notes! I guess 11mm is the differnece…