Honda CX650ED front fork chrome leg length differences

The Honda CX650ED has front forks that are different lengths from side to side:

Here are some photos of the Honda CX650ED Eurosport's front fork chrome legs, showing that they are different lengths between the left and right sides.

The left, shorter leg is part number 51510-MG0-003 and it has two bushings at the bottom, 51415-MC5-003. Looking at the Honda product codes the bushings were first used on the Honda CX500E Sports from the previous year which had a very similar suspension setup, though the fork tubes have changed somehow between the 500E and 650E. How? No idea!

Here are some photos of the Honda CX650ED Eurosport's front fork chrome legs, showing that they are different lengths between the left and right sides.

The right leg – 51410-MG0-003 – has a single bushing which is part number 51415-461-003 – used on a fair few other models – and it can be found new here.

I can’t find the actual length differences currently – notes are missing beyond a cryptic “26+562mm – +11mm” – if anyone has them feel free to send them in, otherwise I will add them as I find the proper notes! I guess 11mm is the differnece…

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