Bottle Breather Conversion Kit for Honda CX500 – A closer look

The early Honda CX500s had head mounted crankcase breathers installed; later models in some areas had bottle breathers on the side of the motor, and a conversion kit was available to convert from the earlier to the later designs. Here’s one such kit.

Looking for a bottle breather yourself? CMSNL often have them in stock here.

Addendum 2017: Murray from Murray’s Carbs has let me know that the GL650 in North America had a similar kit – the rear pulser breather on that bike resulted in higher than acceptable oil consumption at sustained high speeds thanks to not being able to cope with the amount of windage from the motor and a similar kit was provided as a solution. It has a T-piece that allows a bottle breather to be plumbed into the hose coming from the rear pulser cover vent. Anyhow, back to this one – the instructions:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

Routing of the new hose:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

Kit contents:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

These rubbers plug up the old head holes:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

Requisite O-rings and clamp:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

The bottle breather itself, part number 12361-415-610:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

The new hose:

Bottle breather conversion kit photos for Honda CX500 models with head breathers

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