This is the starter motor with the black body, found on many of the CX/GL variants. Looks like this:
The thick cable carrying power to the unit is connected under a rubber sheath:
Pull it back to reveal a nut:
A 10mm spanner or socket should undo this:
Other items of interest around the body are the end cap with manufacturer markings:
Mitsuba SM-228, 12V, 0.6KW (600W). On the side of the end cap appears to be a faint inscription:
No idea about the significance of that (34S?). There are four flush screws/bolts around the body:
There’s an O-ring around the shaft which goes into the motor, part number 91309-300-000:
An 11mm circlip sits around the end, part number 94510-11000:
Therese two long bolts that run the length of the body:
Note the two dots – meaning they’re JIS, I think – any correction welcome:
Undoing the two long bolts can sometimes be a little tough – we cheat and use a 12v impact wrench:
The bolts are part number 31205-413-780, the 5mm spring washer part number 94111-05000:
Once those bolts are out, the end cap simply pulls off:
Carbon residue:
There’s a washer in the end:
Inside the body looks like this:
The other end cap also simply pulls off now:
Inside the end cap:
Springs in front here, brushes behind:
This piece is held in by a single little bolt:
Incidentally, the four screws around the body hold these in:
We’ll come back with some more photos of the brushes and some part numbers in an update.