Where is the document pouch? Honda CB125E, GLH125SH

Looking for your owners manual for your Honda CB125E? It should be in the document pouch, which you can access by removing the seat. Directly underneath is a little plastic compartment:

Here are some photos showing where the owner's manual is located on the Honda CB125E and GLH125SH motorcycles, as featured on MotoFaction.org.

Lift the plastic lid and you should see the pouch, if it’s there:

Here are some photos showing where the owner's manual is located on the Honda CB125E and GLH125SH motorcycles, as featured on MotoFaction.org.

Here are some photos showing where the owner's manual is located on the Honda CB125E and GLH125SH motorcycles, as featured on MotoFaction.org.

Inside should be the owners manual, but if it’s a used bike you can’t be sure! Worth checking for when buying used, as it’s full of handy information.

Here are some photos showing where the owner's manual is located on the Honda CB125E and GLH125SH motorcycles, as featured on MotoFaction.org.

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