How to replace the 5S-FE engine air filter – Toyota Celica ST204

For this you will only need one item and about 5 minutes:

The engine air filter is on the right hand side of the engine bay – the right side when you have opened the bonnet and are facing the engine:

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

It’s basically a plastic box with two hoses – one open to the atmosphere and another going into the engine intake with the air filter sandwiched in the middle. You can lift the top half off once you remove several metal clips:

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

The top should lift enough to be able to remove the old filter. Don’t try to lift it any more than you have to lest you loosen or damage something between the airbox and intake manifold:

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

New filter next to old:

Here's how to change the engine air filter on a Toyota Celica ST204, as shown on

Install the new filter, paying attention to the orientation if there’s a marking to show which way should be going towards the motor. The airflow comes in through the bottom and exits through the top of the filter to head into the engine, if that helps.

Clip down the top half of the filter box, ensuring that it is seated properly. That’s all there is to it!

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