Wemoto Magnetic Sump Plug Review – for Honda CX500, GL500
“Looking for a magnetic sump plug for your Honda CX500 or GL500 to catch any stray metal particles which might be in your sump? Wemoto make one – check out our review of it here!”
“Looking for a magnetic sump plug for your Honda CX500 or GL500 to catch any stray metal particles which might be in your sump? Wemoto make one – check out our review of it here!”
“If you are looking to replace your Honda CX500’s corroded plug caps and want to move to a resistor-less cap, here’s one option. Check out our review of it!”
“This is a parts list of everything you need – including extensive vendor links – to do a triple or quadruple bypass on your CX or GL motorcycle. Check it out!”