Here is how to drain the coolant from a Triumph Daytona 675 engine.
For this you will need:
- Phillips head screwdriver
- Drain pan
- Left fairing removed
- Eye protection
The eye protection is a good idea… being splashed in the eyes with coolant isn’t a good plan. Once you have removed the left fairing the radiator cap should be obvious on the left side of the bike:

Unscrew it and remove:

Now we need to loosen the clamp around the lower radiator hose. At this point you should place the drain pan underneath the hose to catch any coolant.

Use your Phillips head screwdriver to loosen the hose clamp:

Slide it down – though be careful not to drop it into the drain pan when you remove the hose:

Now, the hose is probably still firmly stuck on. If you wiggle it a little coolant is probably going to start dripping out:

Making sure that the drain pan is underneath, firmly grasp the hose at the radiator point and twist it loose, pointing it into the drain pan. A small green torrent ensues from both the radiator:

…and the lower hose:

It should settle down after a minute or two:

It’s a good idea once the radiator has drained to put the radiator cap back on to prevent anything from falling in. From here you need to remove another drain screw at the bottom of the engine – more on that shortly.