Once you have your rear cover off, how do you remove the stator and pickups?
This assumes the following:
- You have removed the engine from the bike
- You have removed the rear cover from the engine
- You have a replacement stator
You need the following:
- 10mm socket and wrench
OK. So the original stator in a CDI CX500 should be visible and look like this on the inside of the rear cover:

And from the other side underneath the pulser cover, we see the left and right advance units:

Looking near the top here, we have two wires to disconnect:

They should separate reasonably easily underneath the rubber sheaths:

While we’re on this side, we should loosen the grommets. Top stator grommet:

Well, that has seen better days:

…and the lower one should pull out towards the outside of the cover:

…and out:

Heading back around to the inside of the cover, we have three bolts on the stator body and one each on the high/low speed pickups above:

Use a 10mm socket to undo them. The bolts on the pickups have a split washer:


The bolts on the stator have no washer:

So you should now have five bolts out in total:

Label a bag and stick them in. Bolt-less:

Stay tuned for Part 02!