How much clearance is there for an aftermarket oil pressure switch? Honda CX500, GL500

If you’re wondering how much extra room there is for a larger oil pressure switch, here’s the width of the stock switch and how far it is from the stock mechanical fan blade. The black triangle at the top is the fan blade at the closest point here:

Here's how much room you have around the oil pressure switch on a CX500 or GL500 with a stock mechanical fan

The stock switch is approx. 27mm in diameter:

Here's how much room you have around the oil pressure switch on a CX500 or GL500 with a stock mechanical fan

The fan is approx. 13mm away from the edge of the switch when it’s cold and off. The photo makes it look like there’s a closer point but that’s as close as I could measure it:

Here's how much room you have around the oil pressure switch on a CX500 or GL500 with a stock mechanical fan

I wouldn’t recommend cutting it too close! We’ll try to get some measurements as to how long it can be if/when I have a radiator back on a 500.

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