This guide for removing a stator is for the TI models – all 650s, all GL500s and the later TI CX500s.
Once the rear engine cover is off, you can see the stator attached to it:

There are three bolts holding it in:

You can see the empty space and mounting holes above the stator where the ignition pickups are present on the CDI stator bikes; there should be nothing here on a TI bike:

Now take a look at the outside of the rear cover; at the lower right you should find the neutral switch:

Above the pulser cover you will find the stator wires exiting the rear cover, with two rubber grommets:

Looking through from the rear, you can see the back side of the stator:

We will now remove these rubber grommets:

They should simply slide out towards the rear:

Now, go back to the neutral switch and remove the rubber boot covering it:

You should be able to loosen the nut holding the wire on with a 7mm wrench or socket:

Nut removed, wire removed, nut replaced so it’s not lost:

With that wire removed and the rubber grommets loose, we go back to the inside of the rear cover:

10mm socket for the three bolts holding the stator in:

Bolts, removed:

Stator, with bolts removed:

The stator should now easily come away, and you can pull the wires through the hole behind it:

One stator, now removed:

A wider view;

The wire at the bottom of this picture is the other end of the wire coming from the neutral switch, which plugs into the wiring harness directly above the rear of the engine.
The remainder of the triple bypass section to come!