Honda CX500 battery relocation example photos – Ballistic

Here are some example shots of where the battery has been relocated to on one of our bikes.

Now, I can’t take any credit for the work done for this relocation – the previous owner had this work carried out by a local workshop. It seems to work quite well, however. Better photos will be coming when I can get some more light on it and remove the air filters and battery/wires for a clearer shot.

The battery in question is a Ballistic EVO2 8-cell model (eBay US, eBay AU, Amazon). I have used this model in CX500s and a Daytona 955i and it has plenty of juice for both. Manufacturer site here.

The battery is 11.4cm wide, 11.2cm high and 6.1cm deep. It weighs a measly ~772gm.


Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!


Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!

Top down:

Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!

Enough space to allow the flat seat to fit it’s prongs between the battery and frame:

Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!


Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!

The air filters for Murray’s carbs just fit – one touches without causing an issue, the other just clears it. You can see it’s just a bracket surrounding the battery:

Here are some photos showing a Honda CX500 with a relocated battery - the Ballistic EVO2 8-cell. Check out the relocation at!

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