Need a new radiator plug for your Honda CX500, GL500, CX650 or GL650? Bert Brand has had some new radiator drain plugs CNC-machined out of nylon to replace the Honda part # 19013-415-004 (sometimes you can find one on eBay US, eBay AU). While compatible drain plugs are available in some countries, they’re not readily available everywhere – or not cheaply, at least. So what do you get?

They’re nicely packaged, embedded in carboard in a padded envelope. The plugs themselves look like so:

Looks rather like the OEM ones. They come with a rubber washer:

Here’s a closeup of the machined edges:

They’re quite precise. Compared to the stock plug:

Not hard to tell which is which. The old plug’s seal was starting to look pretty crusty, anyhow:

But does it fit the radiator?

If these aren’t readily available to you for less than € 5,50 (shipping € 4,75 world-wide), these are well worth looking at.
You can check out Bert’s eBay store by clicking here. He can also be contacted via private message on or the Australian CX register.