So you have jacked your Subaru Liberty or Legacy up and taken off the cover on the underside:

The sump plug should be clearly visible on the bottom of the engine sump:

It takes a 17mm socket:

Position your drain pan underneath the motor – remembering that the oil is going to be hot and it will come out at an angle initially and then fall straight down as it empties. Loosen the drain plug and carefully remove it – don’t burn yourself on either the oil or the exhaust pipe:

If you loosen the oil filler cap you will find that the oil will drain more quickly. Leave it for 5 minutes and the flow should have stopped dripping. At this point grab a fresh crush washer:

Part number 11126AA000 (eBay US, eBay CA, eBay UK, eBay AU, Amazon). Even in Oz they’re $2.50 from a dealer (at the time of writing which was pre-COVID) so there isn’t much of an excuse not to use a new one! If for some reason you need a new sump plug it’s part number 807020010 or 807020070 (eBay US, eBay CA, eBay UK, eBay AU, Amazon). Apply the new crush washer to the sump plug, making sure that the old crush washer has been removed, clean the area of any old oil and hand-tighten the sump plug in place. Grab your torque wrench and tighten the bolt to 44 Nm:

Now position the drain pan underneath the oil filter and loosen it – being careful not to burn yourself on the nearby exhaust pipes:

Here we are using one of our favourite oil filter wrench tools – the 3-jaw type (eBay US, eBay CA, eBay UK, eBay AU, Amazon). Depending on how tightly the previous person installed the filter and perhaps how long it has been (and how strong you are) you may not need a tool and will be able to unscrew it by hand. Filter removed:

The new filter – chosen from the list of alternatives found here:

Smear some fresh oil on the rubber seal and install it as tight as you can by hand.
Stay tuned for more…